The power of exceptional client experience

If you’re wondering… how can I create an exceptional client experience for my service-based business? How can I improve the user experience on my website?  What are the key touchpoints in the client journey, and how can I optimize them? 

In this blog post, we will explore why it is important to shape an exceptional client experience and how to approach this task in order to seamlessly guide your audience from not knowing who you are to confirming a booking. 

Why is this important?

In the competitive and highly saturated landscape of online service-based businesses, providing an exceptional client experience is critical for your success. If you think that your (potential) clients only care about the quality and benefits of your services, you are mistaken. Without realizing it, they’re looking for so much more than that.

First things first, when I talk about client experience, I mean their WHOLE experience with you. From the beginning they learn about you, to the moment they become your client, while receiving your services and long after. I also mean the WHOLE experience across all platforms and touch points of your business - online, offline, social media, website.. All of it. It’s the WHOLE experience your (prospective) clients have with your business.

From the moment your audience first comes across and interacts with your business, they are building their perception of your business and your brand. Every single touchpoint either makes that experience better or worse, and it’s up to you which way it goes. It’s not just about delivering amazing services, it’s also about intentionally and strategically shaping and delivering an exceptional client experience that leaves a lasting impression and helps guide your audience through the journey from not knowing who you are to booking your amazing services.   

The reason it’s super important to shape an exceptional client experience is because it’s the first hurdle you need to cross in the minds of your audience. Your client’s experience of your business starts before you first interact with them personally - it’s when THEY first learn about you. And your client experience, and all elements within it, make or break how many people get past the initial stages and actually reach your first visible touchpoint - inquiry. 

The competition is fierce and the bar is set very high. You won’t make a good, let alone, a lasting impression on your audience if the experience you’re providing is not up to par. So you want people to contact you but the only way to do that is to track down your email address that’s hidden somewhere on your website? You want them to book a call with you but first they need to email you to see when you are available? You want people to purchase your services but they need to make bank transfers and manually input your bank details? Forget it, you already lost them. 

The online space is super crowded and there’s a lot of noise out there. Shaping an exceptional client experience makes you stand out from the crowd, keyword being “exceptional”. In a crowded market where so many offer similar services with the same price ranges, same “empowering missions” that are shown on the same overused website templates using the same stock visuals taken from Canva, standing out from the crowd can be one of your biggest assets. An exceptional client experience can set you apart and put you in a different league than your competition along with your efforts. An exceptional client experience that is positive and more memorable makes your leads more likely to choose you over your competitors.


How to approach it 

Knowing all touchpoints

The first step is really understanding all the elements of your client experience and intentionally shaping an exceptional experience. You need to form a clear understanding of the whole journey that your (potential) clients go through and identify every single touch point from the moment they first learn about you to the moment that they book you and beyond. Having a crystal clear understanding of your client’s journey is so important because that's the only way to ensure that you intentionally and strategically shape every single element with your client in mind. That includes all contents, visual elements, and documents that support each touchpoint too. Without having the clarity and structure in place, you can't have the oversight needed in order to shape great client experience. 


I’m Agnes, your strategic partner and I specialize in helping business owners confidently and successfully book their DREAM high-value clients.

For 5+ years I’ve worked in professional consulting services, crafting and executing custom-made solutions for clients, problem-solving on the daily and managing projects worth millions. I’ve spent years mastering the method that large companies use to charge premium prices that clients are happy to pay. And now I can help you do the same as a small business owner.

With my expert guidance, I’ll help you strengthen and position your business the right way in order to attract and book high-value clients who happily pay premium pricing. I provide guidance and 1:1 support with strategy creation for building your strong foundation and clear and targeted messaging and hands-on support with bringing it all to life. 

If you don’t want to miss out on high-paying clients and leave money on the table your first step is easy - book a free 1:1 session with me here - let’s chat!


Guiding and informing your audience

The reason you need to have a clear understanding of the journey yourself is because you also need to guide your (potential) clients through it, and inform them what the process of working with you is like. 

What I mean here is this. First, when your clients learn about your business, at that point they have no idea who you are and what you offer. That’s why you need to make sure that every step they go through strategically leads them through a journey that you want them to take. This journey is meant to give them all the information that they need, to build trust with them, and to convince them that you are the right person to help them, so that they end up taking the desired action, such as reaching out to you, or making a booking. Their journey can start in many different places, but usually the biggest part of your customers journey is on your website. That’s why I often talk about how your website journey is so so important! 

Second, having a great client experience goes beyond guiding your audience through it, it also means that they know what to expect at every step of the way. Imagine if your potential clients have never booked a service provider like yourself and they don’t have a clear idea or an expectation of what steps they need to take. They'll need a little bit more guidance on this to feel supported and informed. You need to sufficiently inform them so that they have a clear understanding of what is the process of working with you and what they can expect from working together with you. Do they first need to book a discovery call to talk to you in person or do they first need to sign up on your website and pay an invoice? Whatever the steps are, you need to clearly explain it to them if you want to give them a great experience. 


Bringing your vision to life through a strategy-led approach

Our Signature Experience is an all-in-one service to help you successfully raise your rates and confidently book your dream clients!

Who is this for

Business owners who want to start demanding their worth, confidently book their dream (high-value) clients and scale their business to the next level.

What you get

  • Strategic partnership - Guidance and 1:1 support with strategy creation + help with bringing your strategy to life. Project management done for you.

  • Clarity & structure - Clarity and structure of the process through consultations, guided questionnaires and checklists + resources for your success.

  • Peace of mind - I take the time to get to know you & answer all your questions so you know what to expect from our cooperation and feel comfortable with the approach.

  • Feel heard - 1:1 interactions and feedback & revision opportunities to ensure that you feel heard and understood and that we’re meeting your expectations.

  • Support for after - At the end of the project you’ll receive personalized implementation and tutorial calls as well as resources for your long-term success


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⚡️Reclaim ease of mind ⚡️ Own your story ⚡️ Realize your vision


Understanding your client experience journey


How to stand out from the crowd as a service-based business owner